“Growth and comfort dont coexist”
“Growth and comfort dont coexist”
And this lady is a prime example of what GROWTH looks like! Meet Kitty! A couple months ago, when Kitty first started taking lessons with me, fear controlled her. She had some bad previous experiences that left her terrified to even mount a horse or mule again. Fear was inhibiting her from enjoying the animals that she so deeply loved! But she stepped out of her comfort zone this past Spring and messaged me to sign herself up for lessons…she was ready to step into growth with the ultimate goal of enjoying riding again. It has been a pleasure, helping and watching her grow into a fear conquering horsewomen!
Each lesson, Kitty comes mentally prepared to overcome challenges, willing to face her fears head on and excited to develop more and more horsemanship skills to set her up for success in her riding journey. She went from being scared and anxious to even ride at a walk on one of my lesson horses, to now…bringing her own mule to lessons and riding independently
Kitty, you are inspiring!