Not everyone can do what you do…
Not everyone can do what you do.
Having an affinity with horses isn’t a gift that everyone has.
You lead, groom, tack up, hack out, school and jump without thinking, it’s second nature to you, it’s like walking or breathing. You can’t remember a time you couldn’t do it.
But not everyone can do what you do. Sure, you can learn rising trot, you can be taught how to lead a horse and learn how to look after them, but feeling truly at home on the back of a horse, being able to understand a silent language based on nothing but feeling…that isn’t something everyone can do.
So next time you are staring over the stable door wondering if you’re good enough for your horse, or wondering if this horse is “wasted” with you, just remember that you have a gift.
To be able to handle, ride, share space and build a relationship with another species that speaks a totally different language to your own is a gift. It’s not something that can be taught or learned, you either have it or you don’t.
Next time you find yourself doubting your ability, remember not everyone can do what you do, you have a gift…
Don’t waste it.